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Our final day in Iceland was spent in the capital city, Reykjavik. It's such a great city, small by most capital standards (but hey this is Iceland) and full of super quirky buildings, shops and people. Art and graffiti covered many buildings and it was great just to wander around the streets and enjoy the place.  The first place we headed to was the Icelandic Phallological Museum, which was quite literally a dick museum. It's famous for holding the world's largest collection of penises. I'm not even kidding - google it. I dare you! Whale penis, dolphin penis, otter penis, why does this place even exist? And then to further the weirdness there is a room in the museum that contains troll penis, merman penis and unicorn penis. Iceland, are you ok? Who thought to themselves, you know what I'd like to start collecting? Penises.

We booked ourselves on a Viking Boat cruise for our very last Iceland activity. It's a replica ship that took us out of Reykjavik and towards an island where there were puffins and seagulls. I had thought this would be a more interactive activity, but we just sat on the boat listening to our guide tell stories. In the brochures people were rowing oars, helping with the sails, but I guess not today. 
 The only pic I took of the ship - amateur!!

We had lunch at a Momo Dumpling place just near the marina, and we were served by a Tibetan New Zealander who moved to Iceland a few weeks ago and was happy to see a Kiwi and an Aussie to speak to. He was so nice! I wish we had at least learnt his name!

And that brings us to end of our Icelandic adventures. I had the best time, spent an absolute fortune (still unknown, ignorance is bliss) and cannot wait to go back. Peace out Iceland you magical country.

1 comment on "DAY EIGHT: REYKJAVIK"
  1. Tour of this capital city of Iceland looks so great and I'm sure there would be a lot more beautiful places to visit and enjoy. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tour posts. Great! meet and greet Luton
