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I can not even begin to describe how excited I was for Sarah to come over for our Scottish road trip! We've travelled through Poland, Germany and Tasmania and I finally got to show her this awesome country I now call home. Day one was travelling through my favourite spots in Scotland - Stirling and Glencoe! We started the day with battle games at the Battle of Bannockburn. The first part of the battle involves watching an animated history of Scotland and England in the 1300s before heading inside for the next part. I LOVE a confrontation so I spent the time watching this annoying and impatient couple who had no basic listening skills or ability to take direction be scolded on multiple occasions by the staff. The entire idea of the battle games is to move to each part with your group, you can't move ahead otherwise you have no idea what the hell is going on and they just didn't get it. They ended up walking out as they didn't like being told NO. Bye Felicia.

We had a full crowd for the battle game and I wasn't given the role of Queen of Scotland (bad start) and instead I was given ownership of an army that ended up DYING FIRST. I am the sorest loser that ever was, so to be out of the game before anyone else was not ok. So I had to stand there with my faded out, crossed out army and watch as the player who was playing King (little kid, so I really shouldn't be so hard on him) moved the Scottish King out from the protection of his army which allowed the English King and his calvary to take the castle and win. Are you kidding? Protect your King!! Oh I hate losing. It's just a game, it's just a game........

Next up we headed to Stirling Castle, caught some Pokemon, posed with suits of armour, dodged the rain, played medieval dress ups before heading up to Glencoe! Glencoe is my favourite spot in all of Scotland. Heck, all of the UK. Maybe Europe? You know how some people ask if you prefer the mountains, desert or oceans? I'm a mountains girl, so the valleys and hills and rugged epic scenery is right up my alley.

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